Thursday, April 21, 2011

After a few minutes of working on your swing

A pre-tournament routine also includes time on a practice tee. Before hitting, take two or three clubs from your bag and swing them a few times, just as many golf tips suggest. This exercise warms you up and prepares your muscles before hitting a ball. Next, start hitting balls. Begin with a wedge to get a feel for your swing, then move to a mid-iron. Work on swing technique while you hit the wedge and mid-iron. Concentrate on your swing trigger, if you have one. Approach it the same way you would your golf lessons.

After a few minutes of working on your swing, start hitting the ball. Imagine yourself out on the course and in a specific situation. Use your pre-shot routine. Visualize each shot. And hit it as if the shot counted. Note the distances you hit each shot that day. Knowing how well you’re hitting a club helps during the tournament when it’s time to choose a club.

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